
2024 端午水果粽子

Tradition and Sharing🐲 UC Students and Elderly Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival Making Colorful Fruit Zongzi Together. The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, originated from ancient China as a traditional holiday to commemorate Qu Yuan, a exiled poet and statesman. On this day, people participate in dragon boat races, make zongzi (sticky rice dumplings), and engage in customs such as hanging mugwort leaves and drinking realgar wine. The festival is also a time to celebrate health, ward off evil spirits, and prevent disease. UC學生與長者共同製作多彩水果粽子慶祝端午節🐲 端午節,又稱端午節,起源於中國古代, 是紀念流亡詩人、政治家屈原的傳統節日。 這一天,人們參加賽龍舟、包粽子、掛艾葉、喝雄黃酒等習俗。這個節日也是慶祝健康、辟邪、預防疾病的節日。