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National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech) was founded in 1912, the year when the Republic of China came into existence, as a pioneering academic institute dedicated to industrial education. It has been renamed since then Taiwan Public Industrial School of Taipei (1919), National Taipei Institute of Technology (1981), and National Taipei University of Technology (1997). Since 1912, over 90,000 students have graduated from the University. At home and abroad, they have demonstrated outstanding achievements in professional fields as well as academic arenas. They are not only the assets of the University but also of the nation because of the crucial contributions they have made to technological and economic development of Taiwan.

On February 1, 2011, Dr. Leehter Yao became Taipei Tech's thirteenth President. Upon his assumption of this position, he has been compelled by a deep sense of responsibility to lead and develop the University into an internationally renowned and technologically innovative flagship of higher academic institution. Given our nearly a century of glorious achievements, with the joint efforts of our faculty, staff, students and alumni, our School President believes that it will not be long before we achieve the sublime goal we have set for the University, which is developing and expanding in full swing to become a first-class institution for learning and research.

Taipei Tech is a university with honored traditions and widespread acclaim. We welcome your advice, which will surely facilitate our achievement of the aforementioned goals. With your support, We believe, our students, faculty and staff will be better equipped to bear the brunt of any challenges that might accompany our pursuit of an even more glorious future.

This center is established for not only helping people from different cultural and linguistic background learn Chinese language, but also making them fall in love with Chinese and the beauty of Taiwan. Besides, Taipei Tech is a university provided with convenient transportation, excellent environment, and stronger teaching resources. Taipei Tech would be the best choice for students.
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