Program overview:
In an effort to encourage outstanding students from the Indo-Pacific to study in Taiwan and explore the diverse culture of Taiwan, the Ministry ofForeignAffairsinitiatedthe NewSouthboundPolicy Short-termStudy Program. Through this program, students will take AI and semiconductor-related courses along with Chinese language courses provided by National Taipei University of Technology and the Chinese Language Training Center
1. The applicant should be a sophomore, junior or senior at one of the universities in New South bound Policy countries.
2. The applicant should not be a PRC (including Hong Kong and Macau) passport holder or a Taiwan (ROC) passport holder.
3. The applicant should not be a recipient of any financial aid from the government, agencies or educational institutions of Taiwan.
The following table provides relevant amount information:
Funding detail | |
Air ticket | NTD 15,000 round trip |
Living expenses | NTD 10,000 per month |
Housing | NTD 18,000 per month |
Student insurance | NTD 3,300 (5 months) |
Language courses | Full subsidy |
AI and Semiconductor courses | |
Enterprise visits | |
Field trips |