
中文學習心得回饋Feedback on Chinese learning experience

Name: Pat (以下中文內容來自奧地利格拉茲的啪特中文學習心得,短短的數年,因為對自己的承諾與堅持,才能寫出這樣的文章,大家一起努力一起加油。) 我2019開始學中文, 只因為我想要試試看學一個很特別,跟歐洲的語言不一樣的語言,所以我選擇中文。 之前我覺得中文太難學好了,我覺得只開始,只試一試就好了。但我暗中期許自己: 我永遠不會因為盡了最大努力而感到尷尬。我說了:我學中文,我就會尊重自己,尊重這個努力。 隨著歲月的流逝,我一天一天的進步,也學了越來越多。 2022年到台北當交換學生,那個時候我的中文級別可能沒有很高,甚至可能沒有到A2. 但是我很開心我可以再一次見面,我在歐洲認識的台灣朋友,我希望有一天我可以用他們的母語跟他們講話。 在台灣的時候, 我每個禮拜六個小時上中文課,我感覺 超努力了。 有時候我跟我同學覺得那一天沒辦法專注比較久,但我們的特別活力的老師每次鼓勵我們,讓我們做到我們那天的最好。 他每次上完課之後,都有很多的創意,幫助我們記得我們所學習的內容,有時候用遊戲,有時候考試。 遊戲贏的人有 珍珠奶茶喝,後來我們穿著漢服去故宮參觀,也到至善園 表演我們的才藝,那時我的中文級別到B2. 如今我還在想,2019的啪特一定會為他的決定感到驕傲。 我很感激我沒有停止學習中文。我之前常常不允許自己因為我所取得的成就而受到讚揚。我總是找到一個與我的努力不同的原因讓我成功。但我這次我沒辦法這樣做-,因為我為我的努力與堅持感到驕傲,也真的太開心了。 我的每個朋友都知道我有點瘋狂,現在我能不能變成更瘋狂。我不因為任何 原因,這麼努力的學習中文 ,僅僅為了學習而學習這麼多,我想那是對於我2019年的承諾, 結果證明這是最好的部分。這讓我終於充分認識到,在我熱愛和關心的事情上,我是一個非常努力的人。 我開始學的時候,如果我不先採取行動,沒有人讓我採取行動。 就像這次學習中文教會了我如何努力工作,也教會了我如何欣賞自己的工作並尊重自己。這次我將獲得這一切的獎賞,我為自己已經走到了這一步而感到自豪。 啪特加油,我相信你! 英文翻譯: I started learning Chinese in 2019 because I wanted to try learning a unique language that was different from European languages, so I chose Chinese. Initially, I thought Chinese was too difficult to master and that I would just give it a try. However, I secretly promised myself that I would never feel embarrassed for giving my best effort. I told myself that if I was going to learn Chinese, I would respect myself and respect the effort I put into it. As time went by, I made progress day by day and learned more and more. In 2022, I went to Taipei as an exchange student. At that time, my Chinese proficiency might not have been very high, possibly not even at A2 level. However, I was very happy to reunite with my Taiwanese friends whom I had met in Europe. I hoped that one day I could speak to them in their native language. While in Taiwan, I took six hours of Chinese classes every week. I felt like I was working extremely hard. Sometimes, my classmates and I found it difficult to stay focused for long periods, but our energetic teacher always encouraged us to do our best each day. After each class, our teacher came up with creative ways to help us remember what we had learned, sometimes using games and sometimes quizzes. The winners of the games would get bubble tea. Later, we wore Hanfu to visit the National Palace Museum and performed our talents at Zhishan Garden. By then, my Chinese level had reached B2. Now, I still think that the Pat from 2019 would be proud of his decision. I am very grateful that I did not stop learning Chinese. I used to frequently deny myself praise for my achievements, always attributing my success to reasons other than my own efforts. But this time, I can’t do that because I am proud of my hard work and persistence, and I am truly happy. All my friends know that I am a bit crazy, and now I wonder if I could become even crazier. I am not learning Chinese for any particular reason; I am learning it just for the sake of learning. I think this is in fulfillment of my 2019 commitment, and it has proven to be the best part. It has finally made me realize that I am someone who works very hard at things I love and care about. When I started learning, if I didn’t take the initiative, no one would have made me take action. Learning Chinese has taught me how to work hard and how to appreciate and respect my own efforts. This time, I will reap the rewards of all my efforts, and I am proud of how far I have come. Go Pat! I believe in you!