Chief YungYao, Chen Phone:02-2771-2171 ext. 1748 e-mail:yungyaochen@mail.ntut. |
Teacher Scully, Chiu Phone:02-2771-2171 ext. 1746 e-mail:scully@ntut.edu.tw |
Assistance Elsa, Kuo Phone:02-2771-2171 ext. 1710 e-mail:elsakuo@ntut.edu.tw |
Specialty:Communication, Conflict Resolution, Negotiation, Chinese/English Editing, Translation Teach:Basic, Intermediate, and Advance of Chinese, Cultural Experience. Duties:International Student Course Management, Course Counseling, Mentoring, Recruitment, Course Design |
Relevant experience and certificate: 1. Completion of K-12 Pedagogy Program held by Mandarin Training Center, NTNU 2. Completion of Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in NTUT 3. Assistant teacher of Mandarin Summer Camp held by Mandarin Training Center, NTNU 4. Certificate of Qualification to teach Mandarin Chinese as a Second / Foreign Language issued by Ministry of Education
Specialty: Chinese Literature, Appreciation and analysis of poetry, Textual Analysis
Teach: Chinese courses for K-12, advanced level, overseas Chinese Cultural courses
Duties: Chinese Teacher Training Course, Funds Control, Curriculum Support